wotlk deadmines quests. It’s likely. wotlk deadmines quests

It’s likelywotlk deadmines quests Cookie is a level 20 elite murloc in the Deadmines

3). Quest list for Deadmines Allegiance to the Old Gods Blackfathom Villainy In Search of Thaelrid Knowledge in the Deeps Trouble in the Deeps Twilight Falls 3. Spot the Ghostly Parrot. There are some quest objectives under water, and various parts where you need to swim through underwater passages to progress. The Stockade is an extremely accessible dungeon for Alliance players between Level 25 and 30 to clear the final bosses. The Deadmines Rhahk'Zor Miner Johnson (Rare) Sneed's Shredder Gilnid Mr. From personal experience, I find that Deadmines is by far the best place to get tin (unless you're a character pre 30). Most of the time, a warr tank will say "no dps until 2/3 sunders" and then you hope to hell that your group follows that. Stay up to date with all the latest news with Wowhead News Notifications! deadmines patch-7-2-5 pet-battle-dungeon. Retrieve the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket from the Deadmines and return it to Shoni the Shilent in Stormwind. The quest is still a real pain to solo because the mobs gang up on you. Burning Crusade, and Wrath of the Lich King expansions as an Orc Rogue on the US Gilneas realm. WOTLK Database. Commentaire de 65973 i have run this instance many times in the lvl 21 - 29 range. It’s a fun and fairly easy instance, with very few surprising encounters. 52. You will wake up in the Goblin Foundry (The area where Foe Reaper was), your whole party chained and slowly lowered to the forge. A complete searchable and filterable list of all The Deadmines Quests in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. There are two main quest chains you will want to do as a Paladin while leveling. Welcome to the WoW classic Paladin class quests guide, detailing notable quests with powerful rewards and providing walkthroughs for Dwarf and Human players. 4. Ideally you quest in the open world until you acquire most/all of these quests, then do one run and knock them all out. Contribute. Take his quest, which involves collection four things from around the world. Follow the quest link for instructions on how to get into that cave. This was my homeland and I will not turn my back on the citizens who choose to remain here. # 5 - Best Matthias Lehner Quest Line WotLK. Within the Warlock’s toolkit one will find strong crowd control, a variety of defensive abilities, and powerful demons to do one’s bidding. View all Quests from Wrath of the Lich King Classic including categories and filters for Level and Location. In the Items category. Erf. Wailing Caverns is one of the earlier dungeons that both Alliance and Horde players will encounter, given its recommended level range of 17-23. If the mage knows his shit, that is. It is the lowest level Alliance instance, and is populated by members of the Defias Brotherhood. a. It is the lowest-level Alliance instance and is populated. The dungeon is around level 16 to 20, and most of the enemies are elites, so be cautious. Comment by MisterEver I was running my level 12 Priest through Deadmines with my level 80 Druid. 4x Miners' Union Card. It has many subquests that culminate in a large instanced dungeon called "The Deadmines" where you must find and kill Edwin VanCleef, the leader of the Defias Brotherhood. Red Silk Bandanas. Deadmines/Stockades quests And a few quests in Dustwallow Marsh. 5 quests, and I got 5 points toward the 700 achievement. . Whereas Horde tends to be in the barrens or places that could be the barrens. At the very ends of Westfall's Longshore, a small house overlooks the ocean. <name>, my scout reports that a Defias Messenger has been seen on the roads between Moonbrook, the Gold Coast Quarry and the Jangolode Mine. • 4 yr. 2. This is a short quest chain, and I would heavily. Take another quest in there with you if you can, eg Van Cleef's Head, as it makes the trip more worthwhile. Just everything in Wrath of the Lich King game version. Yebb Neblegear Turn-in Type: Animal Parts Elwynn Forest Location: /way 40. Currently this is the only Pet Battle Dungeon available, but there may be more in the future. It rewards Ultimate Battle-Training. The dungeon finder only lets you que for dungeons you're the appropriate level for. A Quick PPS on how to get to Deadmines if you are Horde. Quests 2. Cureently as a lvl 25 i have the Chausses of. Maraudon Lore. We'll use the ol' mine cart trick. I made sure to quest on my hunter in human only zones, i got to about level 6 in Teldrassil then moved to Goldshire, I've done every single quest that grants Stormwind reputation beneath level 30, all of the Goldshire, Redridge, Westfall, and Darkshire quests, i payed for a boost through stocks and Deadmines for the quest chains cuz they're. 2K subscribers. Congratulations on completing your first Paladin quest! As a Dwarf your quest for Redemption will start at your trainer Azar Stronghammer at Kharanos Dun Morogh, it will send you to Tiza Battleforge at The Mystic Ward in Ironforge. If its your first time into the Deadmines, make sure you have ALL the quests for the Deadmines first. The oak drops fairly readily from the goblins. The Deadmines could still use some cleaning up, seems you didn't clear the place out last time. It is the lowest level Alliance. Comment by Thottbot well at level 22 i was able to protect here without dieing. +250 reputation with Stormwind. Its entrance can be accessed in the town of Moonbrook in southwestern Westfall, while its exit is located in the western part of the Dagger Hills. Level 26: Strike of the Hydra 25. Un completo elenco ricercabile e filtrabile di Missioni: The Deadmines in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. There's a ton pre instance but the real catch is the instance itself. The Deadmines is the center of the Defias operation, led by the ambitious Edwin VanCleef, who is constructing a juggernaut at the bottom of the mines with the aid of the goblins. Cookies' Leftovers defeated; Description []. 0. Items, NPCs, Quests. Reports indicate that it may only drop the first time you defeat VanCleef. Update: Am lvl 21 and was able to clear deadmines solo until the goblin forge. Find the best quests and rewards for The Deadmines dungeon in Wrath of the Lich King game version. Rinse and repeat. Deviate Hides - Also obtained from the cave outside. " The fortune Sayge handed you feels slightly warm to the touch. Gnomeregan has fallen under the control of those dastardly troggs! The situation is grave but perhaps you can help, Adventurer. Deadmines Dungeon Strategy for WoW Classic Dungeon Quests in WoW Classic Season of Mastery . This quest is part of a chain that ends with your killing VanCleef. 3. All of the quests in the Deadmines will become available to you at level 16, although we recommend waiting a few levels after that point until you actually step foot in the dungeon. Screenshots; Links Links Red Silk Bandanas. You'll find the boss list, loot table and entrance location to clean Deadmines as quick as possible. the main healer should be a priest (as they can heal. WoWSecretsYT • 7 mo. Smite Captain Greenskin Edwin VanCleef Cookie (Bonus) Miner Johnson is a rare boss that you can encounter in The Deadmines. (Requires level 15, Shareable) (Note: These NPCs are OUTSIDE the Deadmines instance portal. The quest item is dropped by Sneed's Shredder in the room with all the green goblin craftsmen, inside The Deadmines' instance. Commentaire de 65973 i have run this instance many times in the lvl 21 - 29 range. Apply filter. You need to get the quest in SW cathedral first, go to Westfall (on the shore the most eastern place), then go just outside IF to receive the quest. Everything in World of Warcraft game. An item from Classic World of Warcraft. Notable Trash in the Deadmines 6. And if it turns out you're on his side. Always up to date. It is a quest reward. Kommentar von 65973 i have run this instance many times in the lvl 21 - 29 range. When I tried this, shortly after patch release for Wrath of the Lich King 3. Find dungeon and raid gear for your class for all levels. fast, easy and not far to travel. There are 3 Horde-only quests in Shadowfang Keep and they are as follows. Los Delfias y VanCleef fueron considerados como una de las más grandes amenazas al reino de Ventormenta, esto hasta que VanCleef fuera asesinado en manos de héroes de la Alianza. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. They are also tied not only to questing, but to professions, instances and battlegrounds as well. February 14, 2022 tankingfornoobs 0. Razorfen Downs is the higher level counterpart dungeon to Razorfen Kraul and is also located in the Barrens. The quests for Alliance players which are started outside of the instance are as follows: In Search of Thaelrid (requires Level 18) — find Argent Guard Thaelrid in the dungeon. The Deadmines Quests. 47)Just West of Sentinel Hill. Additional Filters. Instance Entrance The entrance to Wailing Caverns is located in a cavern in Northern Barrens, as pointed out on the map below: Entrance to Wailing Caverns Alliance For Alliance players, reaching Wailing Caverns is a bit more of a journey. Layout of the Deadmines 5. Slay the wretches in the name of The People's Militia. Kommentar von Thottbot. The quest will be tagged as "Complete" once the core is looted. skip to where I kill Ras t. Since I'm so much higher than the quest, the game assumes I'm not interested and doesn't put a yellow ! over her head. Items, NPCs, Quests. Best. This include those in the instance as well but note that you do not have to enter the instance in order to collect them. WOTLK Talent Calculator. Also known as: VanCleef, VC, DM (which see) Found in: Moonbrook in Westfall Enemy Level Range: 16-22 Elite Expected time to complete: 2 to 2 1/2. 3). Description. Blessings Deck is exchanged for Darkmoon Card: Crusade. Welcome to Wowhead's Leveling 1-80 Guide for Feral Druid Tank in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Arugal Must Die 2. Comment by 65973 i have run this instance many times in the lvl 21 - 29 range. It is a simple instance but very nicely designed, with a single path to take and some nifty rewards for that level (your first blue items). Req level: -. The minimum level for this dungeon when it first came out was 85+. Know the best mobs, levels, and places to farm cloth efficiently!. Stufe: Eine vollständig durchsuchbare und filterbare Liste aller Quests in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. 4. Terrain: Mountainous, and a large body of water divides the zone into two. 6 comments. Ce site requiert JavaScript pour fonctionner. 75Vanessa Vancleef is the last boss of Deadmines heroic (Only in heroic). I would highly recommend you make the effort to complete this quest as the blue 2h mace it rewards. It is said the Deadmines' gold deposits once accounted for a third of. The mobs for this quest can be found in the "undead" section of the Deadmines, just outside the entrance to the instance proper. Be sure to do the Defias chain quests wich will end up with an end quest to that will lead to the Deadmines and give you nice exp/rewards. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. Rather, it is meant to show a player an efficient way to complete many quests available for a particular zone. Deadmines is the first dungeon available to Alliance players and is recommended for players between Level 17 and 21, but your group should ideally be above Level 19 in order to clear the final bosses. There are 6 main bosses: first boss: He's pretty simple. You must succeed in escorting The Defias Traitor in [18G] The Defias Brotherhood (6) before you can receive this quest. I'm on a Diet: Do not gain more than one stack of Nauseated during the Cookie encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty. Location: Stranglethorn Vale. 5 quest total for deadmines 1. Contribute. Side: Apply filter. Its entrance can be accessed in the town. Quest Location (Deadmines)Please like the Video & Subscribe to my channel!Une liste complète dans laquelle rechercher ou filtrer tous les Quêtes Les Mortemines de World of Warcraft : Wrath of the Lich King. There are 6 main bosses: first boss: He's pretty simple. 1. In the Items category. refine them. The band of wretches responsible for driving the good people of Westfall from the land call themselves The Defias Brotherhood. There are enough mobs in instance to get all 100 within a single run reset (if you skipped them, ofc) Get back to Captain Bramblebeard and turn in the quest, use Ensemble: Blackened Defias Armor to get full. A complete searchable and filterable list of The Deadmines Quests in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Overall I like Alliance a little better. -Starts at Gryan Stoutmantle in Westfall (Sentinel Hill Tower) She will give you the quest Deadmines, Part Three? to send you out to Westfall. The Deadmines There is no map available for this zone. The general recommended number of players is 5, as you cannot complete dungeon quests when you have more than 5 players (due to being in a raid group). The Deadmines is the center of the Defias operation, led by the ambitious Edwin VanCleef, who is constructing a juggernaut at the bottom of the mines with the aid of the goblins. Also, for a limited time, the Timewalking quest in Valdrakken from Kazra will offer an increased reward—a Heroic level Cache of Vault Treasures with items level 402-411. All the spawns for them are like gargoyle statues on buildings. This quest is given by Dalar Dawnweaver at The Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest. Apply filter. Screenshots. I forget the exact levels as I always played horde in classic. A list of quests in Deadmines. In these guides you'll find : Boss loot. 3050. A list of quests in Deadmines. In Lakeshire, in the inn, there is a rogue by the name of Wiley who owes me a favor. Prior to the First War, the Deadmines were the greatest gold-production center in human lands. 0. Warlocks are masters of control and resource management. as a group the best set up is to have a warrior as the main tank, the back up tank should be a hunter (hunters are best, if no hunter then druid), as hunters have pets that can do their tanking, and the hunter can range. We have moved to Warcraft Wiki. Req level: -. It is looted from Undead Dynamiter. Save the Okra (hmm or was it Hops-- dont recall, save em both) from the Harvesters. Just follow the defias brotherhood quest. Sign in. There are no pre-requisites to getting this quest. The Deadmines is filled with members of the Defias. 1 - 6 of 6. During an assault on icecrown Citadel, the player is flung far below the stronghold of the Lich King and discovers a mysterious object. Posted 2017/04/15 at 8:04 AM by Serrinn. The Deadmines is the center of the Defias operation, led by the ambitious Edwin VanCleef, who is constructing a juggernaught at the bottom of the mines with the aid of the goblins. This quest is part of a chain that ends with your killing VanCleef. It sucks. . The Deadmines is the first instance that most Alliance players will encounter. The instance was released in the Cataclysm expansion. Deviate Eradication - This is the only quest that actually requires entering the instance. Simple stay in close proximity with the Defias Trator and help him fight whatever mobs may attack you or him. Quests are terrible and terrain is boring. There is even a secret tunnel into Stormwind. Click here for information and the new URL. Always up to date with the latest patch (3. Deadmines is the first dungeon in alliance, and to enter the instance you must be level 15 or higher. This quest starts from the item Damp Note which will drop from one of the nagas you will end up killing while doing The Essence of Aku'Mai. Baron Aquanis - Required Level: 21 This quest starts from the item Strange. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Links Links The Deadmines. kill lvl 30 mobs if im not mistaken and the chance of finding the shells is low. Many quests occur in and around the Deadmines. Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard Bosses Graveyard is the lowest level part of Scarlet Monastery, with mobs around level 30-32, usually grouped. Deadmines is the first dungeon in alliance, and to enter the instance you must be level 15 or higher. The King of Stormwind has recently. Jordan is an incredible smith, and he's gone to Ironforge to meet with the dwarves for a while. You need time to build up rage and aggro on the mob, and have it stick to you. 3a (2010-11-23): Removed. She will give you the quest The Tome of Divinity and Tome. The Deadmines characters didn't make sense until I quested through Westfall, which really brought my understanding around to encompass the whole zone. Westfall is shit except for the fact that it’s closest to deadmines and stormwind city. Doubly true in my case, my family's home has been burned down and taken over by thieves. Is the only method of doing these chilling in the area of the dungeon and using the lfg chat. Methods to do dungeons that I am a tad overleveled for,for quests. as a group the best set up is to have a warrior as the main tank, the back up tank should be a hunter (hunters are best, if no hunter then druid), as hunters have pets that can do their tanking, and the hunter can range. Deviate Hides - Also obtained from the cave outside. If we're to find out what's going on down here it looks like we're going to have to fight our way through the entire Deadmines!Glubtok the Foreman will be the first major foe you encounter, a powerful ogre magi. You can accept a trial of quests in Deadmines by looting Edwin Vancleef's body and looting 'Unsent Letter'. 3. if you can't find a group to go to Deadmines with or want better gear, try farming these guys with. Ask the Light for whatever blessings you can. Easy to get. In this Classic WoW guide, we will explain how to complete every attunement in dungeons and raids, including acquiring keys to unlock new wings and bosses. ago. The Deadmines are expansive, winding tunnels dug out under Westfall and part of Northern Stranglethorn. Comment by ZeeAUS This is the introductory quest for the new Pet Battle Dungeon in The Deadmines added in Patch 7. Welcome to Wowhead's quest guide for the Classic WoW dungeon, Wailing Caverns. This death knight shopping list for WotLK Classic prep is designed for players wanting to get their new DK to level 70 ASAP. We need to know who heads up the cartel and where they are hiding out. The nobles refused to pay us for our work. Side: Alliance Alliance only Horde Horde only Both. I need you to infiltrate this clan of thugs. Items, NPCs, Quests. In the Items category. Comment by Thottbot I've been trying to level my tailoring on an alt and used my 68 boomkin to farm some wool since the AH on my server (Dragonbligh) is so overpriced it makes me sick (about 9 gold a. If you have beaten the Wailing Critters dungeon before and your character is at least level 45, Breanni in Legions Dalaran will offer you a breadcrumb quest to fly to the Deadmines in Westfall. You cannot enter most of the "end-game" dungeons with more than 5. This quest is done outside of Deadmines. It is addressed to Baros Alexston, the City Architect of Stormwind, City Hall, Cathedral Square. Welcome to Wowhead's Classic WoW Paladin leveling guide, updated for ! In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know while leveling your Paladin in Classic WoW. It is a learning ground for most new players on group dynamics and multiple elite mob pulls. Leaders of the Fang (Horde-only) Defeat (and loot) Lord Cobrahn, Lady Anacondra, Lord Pythas and Lord Serpentis. None of these pets are faction exclusive. Here is a summary of the events she is part of and excerpts from texts and quest logs. Deep in the Deadmines is a functional goblin shredder. Territory: Alliance. Here is the Deadmines Guide for Classic WoW. Take another quest in there with you if you can, eg Van Cleef's Head, as it makes the trip more worthwhile. Req level: -. Comment by ZeeAUS This is the quest to complete your first run through the new Pet Battle Dungeon in The Deadmines added in Patch 7. 4. There are no pre-requisites to getting this quest. Stay up to date with all the latest news with Wowhead News Notifications! deadmines patch-7-2-5 pet-battle-dungeon. Always up to date with the latest patch (3. I do like 1-20 Horde better though since I really like the blood elf starter zones. Quick Facts; Requires; 1: The Defias Brotherhood. Frequently Asked Questions; Northrend. The Deadmines Challenge Pet Dungeon has essentially no RNG issues using the pets I have selected for this guide, so you should be able to easily breeze through this dungeon. There's always a guarantee that there's at least 2 tin nodes in the instance, grab them, exit and reset the instance. You will need a tank, a healer, and three DPS (damage-per-second) characters to complete the dungeon. Collecting a full set, one through eight, allows you to create the corresponding deck. . Erf. 5. The Deadmines. Look at your minimap, for a dark grey/purple section of the mine. Playing through the Deadmines dungeon completes the rest of the story of those characters. Always up to date with the latest patch (3. Verified Runs. Use it to reach the quest giver. Level 1-10: Quests Level 10-20: Deadmines - Run to van cleef, run back to the instance door, AoE all. Sort and filter by item quality, item slow, dungeon, raid, or class role!Edwin Vancleef, is the last boss of "The Deadmines" this guy is fun to fight and hase good drops he sommons 2 Defias Blackguards when you first fight him, if its taking more long he will sommon another 2 Defias Blackguards just maybe sheep, fear or freeze trap them or whatever then kill Edwin Vancleef then the guards, its usally what i do. You can accept a trial of quests in Deadmines by looting Edwin Vancleef's body and looting 'Unsent Letter'. The mobs are Elite, so you will probably still need a group) This quest will lead you to Van Cleef inside the deadmines. 2. Description. the main healer should be a priest (as they can heal the most). the wand is average for the level, but the bow is excellent. The quest hands in in the Dwarven District in Stormwind, location 55,12. The Deadmines are located in Westfall through a building in Moonbrook and are inhabited by Edwin VanCleef and the Defias Brotherhood. (Requires level 15, Shareable) (Note: These NPCs are OUTSIDE the Deadmines instance portal. Filter by level, side, category and more to customize your experience. In the climactic end to The Defias Brotherhood , you are tasked by Gryan Stoutmantle to kill and loot the Head of VanCleef from Edwin VanCleef , the final boss of The. Classic (2021) Original (2007) Classic Era. Hardcore Deadmines Guide - insane tips. you don't gotta bounce around. The Oracles Reputation Guide Wyrmrest Accord Reputation Guide Wrath of the Lich King Classic Dungeon Overviews By the end of the expansion, Wrath of the Lich King will offer 16 different Dungeon instances. "Your fortune awaits you inside the Deadmines. Always up to date with the latest patch (3. Classic (2022) Original (2008) Burning Crusade. If your adventures happen to bring you into that wing of the mine in Moonbrook, please keep an eye out for any sign which might identify them. Getting Started The Pet Battle Challenge Dungeon: Deadmines was introduced on June 13th, 2017 as part of Patch 7. as a group the best set up is to have a warrior as the main tank, the back up tank should be a hunter (hunters are best, if no hunter then druid), as hunters have pets that can do their tanking, and the hunter can range. It's time to take the fight to the stronghold of the Defias, The Deadmines. Deadmines is the first dungeon in alliance, and to enter the instance you must be level 15 or higher. The caverns are home to a group of druids, led by Naralex, who believed the incredible. Quick Facts; Series; 1. To get this quest you need to have unlocked it by completing the Wailing Caverns Pet Battle Dungeon quest Wailing Critters Once you have accepted the quest go and find Marcus "Bagman" Brown who is outside the Deadmines. Razorfen Downs Dungeon Guide. Below is a list of the quests available to players, along with their level requirement. I still miss some things about the expansions after WOTLK. Comment by 65973 i have run this instance many times in the lvl 21 - 29 range. Escort the Defias Traitor to the secret hideout of the Defias Brotherhood. Wrath of the Lich King Guide. WOTLK Database. The whole chain starts from An Unsent Letter, an item that drops off of VanCleef in the deadmines, just follow what they tell you to do then it leads you to the quest in stormwind where you gotta help the little gnome kill these guys, bring some help before you do this quest, then you gotta talk to a bunch of ppl arund Stormwind and then you. Level: -. This is one of the shortest dungeons in Classic and can be completed in under half an hour. 1. its 15 minutes to clear and is 20%-30% of a level per run. The instance portal is situated just north of Pyrewood Village. Sort and filter by item quality, item slow, dungeon, raid, or class role! Edwin Vancleef, is the last boss of "The Deadmines" this guy is fun to fight and hase good drops he sommons 2 Defias Blackguards when you first fight him, if its taking more long he will sommon another 2 Defias Blackguards just maybe sheep, fear or freeze trap them or whatever then kill Edwin Vancleef then the guards, its usally what i do. I forgot some quests I want to do for wailing caverns, deadmines, and shadowfang keep. Blood Elf and Human are the strongest races for Protection Paladin PvE on each respective faction, with Blood Elves. During that time, Lord Lothar ventured into the perilous Deadmines on a quest to obtain the Tome of Divinity but was captured by a band of ogres and held captive for 20 months. Ragefire Chasm Horde Quests Testing an Enemy's StrengthShareable. Always up to date. didnt need lay of hands. Completing the quests gives a lot of XP and some good rewards. There are a few rogue class quests that will require you to pick a pocket or two. Some Defias have eluded us. Side: Alliance Alliance only Horde Horde only Both. But the best parts are the nice quests and the envirorment, I don't know why but I just find westfall extremely nice. Upon turn in, you will be rewarded with 20,100 Experience, 350 Reputation with Honor Hold and given a choice between Handguards of Precision, Jade Warrior Pauldrons, Mantle of Magical Might or Sure-Step Boots. . Its entrance can be accessed in the town of Moonbrook in southwestern Westfall, while its exit is located in. Don't be fooled by his happy disposition; Kresh has thwarted many adventurers who longed to steal his massive shell. At level 20, you will receive your class quest "The Tome of Valor". WotLK - Gebiete. Looking for more Classic Dungeon Guides? Check out more guides in Guide Navigation. At 80 in Classic Wrath of the Lich King, you can submit your run for verification here. Frequently Asked Questions – The answer is soon!; General – General features and additions!; Pre-Launch Events – Information on the upcoming pre-launch events!; A Brave New World – Cataclysmic changes in Azeroth!; Goblins & Worgen – Two new races, including new mounts, racials, and more!; Dungeons & Raids – Heroic Deadmines and. Wailing Caverns Dungeon Guide. The Deadmines are expansive, winding tunnels dug out under Westfall and part of Northern Stranglethorn. The Defias repop here very fast. Wowhead's guide to World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King expansion! Includes information about raids, character classes, spells, achievements and more! Pick up Deadmines: Sea'in Red quest. I want you to capture him. This grand tour through World of Warcraft’s past will start with Cataclysm and end with Wrath of the Lich King. 2, Pet Battle Challenge: Stratholme. improved revenge and cleave with glyph are very strong. Always up to date with the latest patch (10. Comment by Vlad The quest at 2. This is where the undead are, the named elite "Foreman Thistlenettle" is the one that drops the badge. To Moonbrook!. The Defias Traitor will walk from Sentinel Hill to Moonbrook at the entrance to The Deadmines. "Comment by 1179835 For The Alliance !(##RESPBREAK##)524##DELIM##thaia##DELIM##Please. Cookie is in the service of both Captain Greenskin and Edwin VanCleef. Loading. lasanga7878. Westfall is an Alliance-only level 10-15 zone in western Azeroth of the Eastern Kingdoms.